SIDmaster plugin for Reason Rack
Version 1.4 released!
SIDmaster plugin
is a virtual synthesizer emulating the SID 6581 /8580 sound chip of the popular Commodore 64 home computer. The SID 6581 was capable of producing sounds many years ahead of any other computer at the time.
It is developed as a rack plugin for Reason Studios, compatible with Reason 10 or higher. If you own Reason Studios 11 or higher, it can be also used as a VST / AU / AAX plugin in any DAW.
Click play to hear some demo tracks made using reason and the SIDmaster plugin. Only the drumtracks are not done with the plugin.
Some features
emulate 6581 or 8580 SID cycle exact
both usable as a 3 voiced polyphonic synthesizer or a monophonic synth with 3 oscillators
implements effects used in the old days of the C64 based on SoedeSoft's original music routine of the 80's (such as arpeggios, wave patterns, modulating the pulse width or filter)
SID parameters can be modulated using the control wheel as well
flexible keyboard control legato, slide, pitch bend
ring modulation and synchronization effects that can be controlled by the output of other SIDmasters by connecting cables on the rear side of the plugin
version 1.4: free update, added pulse 'freeze' envelope button, minor GUI updates, minor sound quality / noise filter update, and new patches
version 1.3: free update, adding options to improve sound quality, extra filter feature, bugfixes, and some new patches
version 1.2: free major update, adding support for 8580 versions of the SID chip, combinator patches, and more
version 1.1: free update with a brand new UI, and a new feature to modulate the base frequency and some extra patches
version 1.08: free bugfix update
version 1.06: initial version